6 steps that will allow you to ACE GCSEs

I have seen students achieve remarkable results by applying a tried and tested planning method. I have seen other very able students fail to make the grade as 

  • they did not work Smart
  • they did not do things in the correct order and
  • they were inefficient with their time.

In summary, their learning process was not planned and based on best methods.

The learning process has always interested me. I have been intrigued to see how two students following different learning journeys can have very different experiences. 

When following the correct learning methods the confidence of one student builds and builds and builds 

  • They have no anxiety 
  • They believe in themselves. 
  • This feeds back so that they put even more effort in. 
  • Other students who equally want to do well but follow inefficient learning processes or worse try to do things in the wrong order find that their learning is very shallow and short-term. 
  • They may spend the time doing the work but find out too late that they don’t know or understand it when it counts.
  • They are working at a major disadvantage if they do not follow the correct learning process.

The result of this is that they then start to think that they lack ability. The problem however is the learning process that they followed. 

The online GCSE Astronomy course available here uses research proven techniques to supercharge your learning.

I have studied different learning processes throughout my career and I am now going to share with you the 6 steps that will allow you to ACE GCSEs if you follow them.

You are at a disadvantage if you do not follow these steps in your learning process. 

You must get the edge and set yourself up to succeed from the start by implementing the 6 steps. 

By doing this you will become a successful, organised and well thought of GCSE student brimming with Confidence in your ability. 

At the end of this article, you will walk away knowing what steps you have to implement. You will know exactly what you need to plan to do before starting. You will have the six steps for implementing a successful learning journey.

Step 1 Only follow proven methods.

If you are to be successful you must learn from others’ mistakes. There have been countless students before you facing the same challenges. We can group these students into two main groups: those who are successful and those who underachieve. You need to learn the lessons from both groups. What is it that makes some students successful and what is it that causes some students to underachieve. I believe it is down to the learning process that was followed by each student. You need to take professional advice about what is the best learning process. You need to speak to someone who has researched these methods and you must adopt those methods which have led to success in the past. What characterises success for some students and failure for others? Find out what works and what works fastest. What are the research led techniques and methods for learning information fast? It has been found that wrong methods can be detrimental. It has been found that you can actually be doing the learning process harm if you do not carry out your learning in a particular order. You want to follow and adopt the tried and tested techniques. A lot of people think that students underachieve or fail because of ability but research tells us it simply is not as simple as that. It’s actually more about process. What steps in the learning journey students are taking? Are they being inspired? Are they building more and more confidence? Are they listening to the right ideas? Are they following the roadmap to success? The first step in Acing GCSE Astronomy is to find out what learning methods are effective and to adopt these methods. 

Step 2 Get your head right

The importance of coming to the learning process with the correct attitude cannot be overstated. If you are to be successful at school you need to be able to work diligently over months and months. This requires your attitude to be correct, you must be driven, you must be motivated, you must have resilience. So it makes sense to take some time before and at the start of the course to develop that drive and motivation that will carry you through the course. There are proven research methods for motivating yourself. This takes a little time but you will be well served by taking that time to get your head right. Part of that is looking at and reflecting on your current mindset. Successful people have a different mindset to those who underachieve. The good news is that you are able to adopt a winning mindset when you become aware of the differences. This requires your attention and requires some work from you to adopt the correct mindset, but this is essential work that needs to take place before you embark on your learning journey. 

Step 3 Get the edge 

To be successful, you have to complete large amounts of work over months and months. This can be hard, if not impossible, to consciously keep going. Instead you have to develop routines of work. You have to build habits of work that automate the process. You can make use of the psychology of building habits to make this less of a conscious effort and more automatic. Part of this is setting up your Workspace to be successful,  organising your resources efficiently and having a winning workflow that is informed by research and the successful practices of students who have gone before you. There are proven techniques that can help you do this. Step 3, Getting the Edge, is all about putting this into practice. 

Step 4 Master time 

This is absolutely crucial to your success. You need to know the correct order for tasks. You need to know the correct type of task to do, at the correct time. You need to know the correct amount of time to work. You need to know when to stop, when to take breaks, when sleep is needed if any progress is to be made, when to repeat learning to access long-term memory. You need to be able to set planning goals, you need to stop procrastinating and recognise real work from bluff work. You must become a master at scheduling your work. 

Step 5 Learn Smart

Step 5 Learn Smart. There are shortcuts and hacks that allow you to learn fast. They encourage effective and efficient learning. You will be much quicker, and your study sessions will be a better use of your time, if you employ these methods. Not only will your learning be deeper, but it will be more likely to access your long-term memory. Without these methods, typically your learning is quite shallow, fragile and cannot be depended upon. 

You also need quality control systems to check for flaws in your learning and to check that the concepts you are learning are fully understood. You need to be confident that you are spending your time efficiently and effectively and that the learning is going into your long-term memory. You must build your learning on  strong foundations. There are techniques that have been proven to work. You need to adopt them.

Step 6 Sign up now 

I have just shared with you the first 5 steps that will allow you to ace GCSEs. The sixth step isn’t completely necessary. You can implement each of the 5 steps I’ve covered so far yourself in a DIY way. This will require time and study and research on your behalf. It will take a lot of trial and error and you could learn “on the job” so to speak. My sixth step however proposes a better way. It provides a shortcut through all the pain of trying to uncover the process for yourself. 

You can sign up to the Apple Physics course GCSE Astronomy by clicking here. This course will give you the details on HOW to implement the steps discussed in this article. You will receive downloads to help implement each step and the know-how required to successfully plan each step. This will give you a shortcut to success and save you time and effort.